Waco Montessori School is governed by a Board of Trustees, which is charged with establishing policy and mission, hiring the Head of School, and ensuring the school’s financial security.
The Board of Trustees is committed to ensuring a quality education for children. It is responsible for the corporation and establishes and maintains policies. The board obtains finances, determines the financial plan or budget, and receives an audit annually.
Our Board Meetings are open to the public, typically on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. We would love to see you there. Board minutes are also posted to the Document Box in SchoolCues. If you or anyone you know is interested in serving on the Waco Montessori School Board, please contact the Board President at boardpresident@wacomontessorischool.org.

2024-2025 Board of Trustees
Zach Seifert
Mary Lou Glaesmann
Vice President
Matt Rollins
Vice President
Alla Aksel
David Mayfield
Past President
Nick Deaver
Mike Donohue
Melinda Norton
Lisa Plemons
Sharon Weiner
Melanie Chatmas
PTO President
Rich Chatmas
Ex-Officio Member
Stacey Meyer
Head of School